Refund Policy


We accept refund requests on our site for products that meet any of the following requirements:

  1. the good is broken
  2. non-conforming goods
  3. Missing product

Refund requests can be made within 14 days of receipt of your goods.

To qualify for a return, the product must be returned in its original packaging, it must show no signs of wear and must never have been used.

Refunds do not apply to the following products/services:

  1. personalized items
  2. made-to-measure items
  3. shipping cost


Please follow this procedure to return your items by mail:
To qualify for a return, the product must be returned in its original packaging, it must show no signs of wear and must never have been used.
To make the return, please send an email to the address indicating the reason for your request as well as proof of purchase.

If your return request is accepted we will send you the address to return your items to.

The return costs are exclusively your responsibility unless the error comes from the seller.